Little Bears

February 2022

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February was an extra exciting month for the Bears Class.  We celebrated Valentine’s Day. We learned about love, talked about friendship, and had a lot of fun passing out our Valentine’s cards! We also learned some of our favorite nursery rhymes and grew in our understanding of what a rhyming word is!

One of our favorite Nursery Rhymes was:

Hickory Dickory Dock
The mouse ran up the clock.
The clock struck one.
The mouse ran down.
Hickory Dickory Dock.


Some of the books we enjoyed this month were:

“Biscuit’s Valentine’s Day”, “Happy Valentine’s Day, Mouse!”, “Who Will Be My Valentine this Year?”, “I Love You This Much!”, “Daniel Loves You”, “Llama Llama I love you”, “Twinkle Twinkle Little Star”, “Little Bo-Peep and Friends” and “The Bitsy Spider”.

In the month of February we worked on:

Letters: Q, R, and S
Color: black
Shape: heart
Virtue: sharing

In March our themes will be “Transportation” and “Community Workers”.

Teacher Ana and Teacher Elizabeth
