
Getting Real About Marriage | August 22, 2021 | Bethany Lutheran Church

Aug 22, 2021

Preacher: Tom Norris


Marriages, and the idea of marriage, have been under assault since the Fall, but especially so in the last several decades. There have been efforts to destroy it, to abandon it, and to reimagine it—all to bring it up to “modern standards.” And then there’s this passage from Ephesians that sounds… so out of step. But it actually helps us to get real about marriage, and about our marriages.


Marriages, and the idea of marriage, have been under assault since the Fall, but especially so in the last several decades. There have been efforts to destroy it, to abandon it, and to reimagine it—all to bring it up to “modern standards.” And then there’s this passage from Ephesians that sounds… so out of step. But it actually helps us to get real about marriage, and about our marriages.